eMarketing TIPS & WebSites

Know the Truth about Online Marketing NOT the Hype! Finally the Truth is told at the Blog Spot. So Many Online users try starting a home business on the Internet just to find that they are just prey to those so call "Online Marketing Guru's".......

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I Love PLR

Hello Friend
you should know me by now that I will not bring you some mumbo jumbo about this "great you can't do without product".

So now with the dust clear I want to share with you about a site that has my eyes watering with joy. I mean it! You see Friend I've been doing a alot of blog & website building since the eMRTC is well in the hands of my affiliates (I'm not competing with them).
This has given me time to build my VRE (Vitual Real Estate).

I've been using two major tools to build on these platforms but it always come down to CONTENT no matter what you do on the Internet. I'm serious, if you build this or that and you want to attract target visitors you'll have to get good content. This is the real reason why I'm writing you.

You see Friend, I am pretty well connected with my seven years of IM experience that I've learn the correct way to keep my ears and eyes to certain forums and websits.

Guest what I've just heard? Joaquin Maldonado a.k.a Mr. Boricua! has just lauched a PLR site that has the most quality than anythng out there as far as articles and website building. http://www.emarketingsoftware.net/cl/iloveplr.html

I know you probably saying "who's Joaquin Maldonado" well that might be one of your road blocks of learning on the Internet. You see most IM don't know anyone except ONLY the so called GURU's that you hear all the time which are throwing emails in your inbox everyday.

Here's your TIP:

There's a New way to get videos to your website and it will not cost you a DIME. You've all heard of YouTube but have you heard of "The News Room" they $pay you for every click that you get once you put their News Videos or Articles on your Blog or website, and much more.... Hey KEEP this to your self friend we don't want to get this site satuated with Internet Marketers.

God Bless.....


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