eMarketing TIPS & WebSites

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

My Special Fathers Day TIP

Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers that's with me.

I've decided on this Fathers Day to share one of my favorite TIPS.

A couple of months a ago I bought a report that showed how to get clicks to your website. Now I've heard of this method and tried it before but what I didn't know was that I was using the wrong bait with this method.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about e-MailPayU run by Gerald Peters. Gerald has several option that can be use to attract clicks to you website but I have had success with only ONE of his campaigns and that's the Pay-2-Click visitors.

Check this out Friend, You see I tried this stuff before when I firstcame aboard to online marketing but since have gather the experience to recognize what type of users that would perform in such campaigns such as to click on numerous websites to collect a $0.01 per click.

These are new users coming online that are looking to start a business. One of the most attractive aspects I found that these users seek are videos. They want to see how things are done. Here'sa website "squeeze page really" that I put together that has been very successful.

Once signed-up I'm able to teach them through my autoresponder and ecourse what I believe is the correct way, by establishing the right mind set and spending their money ONLY on products that will help their immediate business grow.

This is why I started the eMarketing Royal Treasure Chest.

I wanted to give all users these Master Resell Products for one low price instead of buying them from this guy when you see his emailand then turn around a couple days later an buy another from the other guy.

Here's MY TIP Friend, when you purchase from e-MailsPayU go after
ONLY "5,000 Paid to Clicks Only $35 - Non Country Targeted".

I've heard from reliable sources that the other campaigns offered are not as successful as The "Paid to Clicks" and that's because they are newbie’s and honest. Lets be honest with them ALSO!

That's my Fathers Day TIP and hope you use it well my Friend.